Ālto universitātes profesors Īro Jēskalainens (Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, PhD, full professor in systems neuroscience, Aalto University School of Science) 2. jūnijā Latvijas Universitātē uzstāsies ar lekciju “Reading emotions from distributed patterns of brain activity”

Pats profesors Jēskelainens par savu lekciju saka šādi: “I will be presenting results from our published and work in progress studies where we have successfully classified emotional states of experimental subjects based on their distributed brain hemodynamic activity patterns measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This has been successful for both basic emotions and social emotions under different experimental conditions. Further, in our recent work in progress we have explored possibilities to classify subtle and mixed emotional reactions during 360-degree video encounters with ingroup vs. outgroup others. The distributed activity patterns, in light of our recent theoretical work, might constitute a key information representing mechanism, thus potentially explaining why the classification works so well.”

Lekcija notiks 2.jūnijā plkst. 10.30-12.00 Latvijas Universitātes centrālajā mājā Raiņa bulv. 19, 13. auditorijā. Visi interesenti laipni gaidīti.
