Julia Mödritscher

We, Simone and Julia from Austria, are doing an Erasmus Traineeship for 10 months, from the 15th of September 2017 till the 15th of June 2018, at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Art, here in Riga. Our work includes office work in the international office affairs. In addition, we are teaching German at the Faculty.

Julia Mödritscher

My name is Julia Mödritscher and I am 23 years old. In my 4th semester of the Bachelor’s degree at the University College of Teacher Education – Carinthia, I spent an Erasmus semester in Finland. During my Erasmus time, I spend one day in Riga and, immediately, I loved the city. One year later, May 2017, I presented my Bachelor thesis at the 17th International Students’ Research Conference at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Art. In addition, I explored Riga and enjoyed the feeling of the city.
After the Bachelor’s graduation, I decided to come to Latvia for 10 months because I want to get to know the country, the people, and the culture. Besides working in the international office affairs, I am studying the first year of the Master’s degree of teacher education, specialized in primary school teaching, at the Faculty. I am looking forward to working and studying in Latvia for 10 months and I am happy to be here!  

Simone Schlemitz

My Name is Simone Schlemitz and this is my second time here in Riga. I already have spent my 4th semester as an Erasmus student in Riga and I loved it. My Erasmus semester has been such an inspiring time, which I do not want to miss. Two semesters later, I finished my Bachelor degree in Austria and I got the chance to present my Bachelor’s thesis at the 17th International Student’s Research Conference at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Art. This experience led me to the decision, to come back to Latvia for an Erasmus Traineeship and to learn Russian. I am glad to be back and I am looking forward to spending 10 months in one of my favourite cities in the world - Riga!  
